How You Can Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims - Prayer Vigil ( FROM: )

Dearest Friend -
We are all aware of the traumatic events that have come from Japan and the millions of people who are sending love and prayers to those in need in Japan. Are these prayers working? It is too soon to tell, but it certainly is a global movement worth noticing. I'm sure you have already received several e-mails about this, as have I. The fact is, the radiation coming from the nuclear plants threaten the people, the animals, the food and water supply in Japan, the Eastern Coast of Asia, the West Coast of the US, as well as the sea life in the Pacific Ocean.
To aid in healing and cleaning up this cataclysmic event, we've been approached by master ascetic and healer, Kathryn Keeton, who has been leading group vigils each week since the events in Japan, to bring this message to you. She now invites you to participate with her and the tens of thousands of others in this effort.
Please visit to receive this Vigil
Who is Kathryn Keeton?
Kathryn is a spiritual teacher, spiritual healer and earth healer working with the Masters for over 22 years.  Her powerful work, assisted by the consciousness of the Masters and her students, acts as a catalyst for a quickened, yet stable and grounded, Spiritual Awakening for everyone who connects to her healing matrix.  Each week since the tragic events at Japan, she has held vigil groups around the country, where people gather and follow a simple 5-step process that, according to their wills:
1. Transmute the radiation coming from the nuclear plants
2. Help support, strengthen, and empower the relief workers and those rebuilding the infrastructure in Japan
3. Heal the collective shock, trauma and loss around this devastating event and other past events which may have triggered it in the collective human psyche
Kathryn's vigil and the 5-steps are now being offered to you by the Mother Earth Healing Foundation.
An introductory vigil and guide document will be sent to you by e-mail at no charge (in PDF format) that you may print out and use personally, or with your own groups.
Please visit to receive your vigil from the Masters, and add your power of intention to the healing of our planet and all of our brothers and sisters affected by this severe tragedy.
Thank you
Da Vid Rapahel, MD
Founder, The Light Party
20 Sunnyside Ave A-156
Mill Valley 94941.......

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