Everyday Miracles...

From Barry (Bears) Neil Kaufman, Co-Founder of the Autism Treatment Center of America

Dear ….,
I'm delighted to share with you two stories that I'd like to title "Everyday Miracles." Because what you will read below (which I hope inspires you) are the kind of life events we witness here every day as a result of what is taught during programs at The Option Institute and Autism Treatment Center of America, home of The Son-Rise Program. Because miracles can be explained as something we don't anticipate being readily able to do ourselves - but...actually, we all can.
The message: rather than believe in what is or what was, believe in what we want. The future is never a prisoner of the past. Victoria and Kathleen are champions of that principle. Thanks for all your love and support.
Love and gratitude,
Barry (Bears) Neil Kaufman
The Option Institute & Autism Treatment Center of America, Home of The Son-Rise Program®

"Hi Bears,
I just wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU!!!!
In 2000, I attended The Son-Rise Program as the desperate mum of a severely autistic, non-verbal 5 year old. Now, 11 years on, I'm the equally desperate mum of a strapping, cheeky, 15 year old know-it-all who is frustratingly independent and too intelligent for his own good! :) He believes soap to be an evil beyond words and thinks I'm the most embarrassing person on the planet! Fortunately, he is also a kind, loving, helpful, well-mannered and polite big bucket of joy who fills me with pride, is idolized by his little sister, popular with his army of friends and he always brightens everyone's day with his quick wit and loving nature.
What would have become of my wonderful son had I not attended your program doesn't bear thinking about, and so, again...
- Victoria W., Homemaker, United Kingdom
"Dear Bears,
Please keep me on your mailing list. Out of the thousands of emails I get, YOURS are the go-to first ones I read. I love The Option Institute and all that I have learned. I attended the Mentor Certification program in 2010 and took off the sign S_T_U_P_I_D ! Thank you so much for all your love. I am now taking beginning Algebra and have gotten all A's. You can tell Clyde that I got my 1st 100 on a test ever. All because I dropped the belief that I'm stupid. No more anxiety over what I have yet to master. I am now curious and excited about attending class and what I can learn next. I am on a journey to become a nurse...one that I have put off for 20 years - all because I held this old belief. I now know after challenging myself and allowing others to love and guide me through Mentor Certification that I can do anything I WANT!!!!! I'd recommend taking Mentor Certification program for all that you can learn about yourself. I had to love myself first and the rest is just this amazing journey of increasing that love outward. Thank you.
Lots of love,
Kathleen B., Mental Health Aide, Connecticut"

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